Project Initiative No. 4

The next generation of fellowship + recovery

A space for fellowship and recovery.

Decades ago a private gift established the resources necessary to begin a small collection of books that would become the Peirce Memorial Library, one that would even win National Church and Synagogue Library awards in the early 1990s. The library held books and resources, videos, tapes, CDs and more and saw peak patronage in the late 1990s. 

In the past decade, however, those utilizing the library dwindled, and the costs for maintaining the space grew to the point that it was no longer feasible to keep it going. When our amazing librarian Steve Hill retired several years ago, it was determined we would not further resource the library. However, the current library is perfectly located on our main level with ample space for some purpose, beyond being merely a resource center. What might this space be, were we able to better utilize it? Sedgewick + Ferweda Architects again has helped us identify an exciting vision of what this space might be.

In the proposal, the space becomes an inviting lounge and sitting area, with plenty of tables and soft seating for people to enjoy on a Sunday morning before or after church. Large double doors open up to permit easy entry and exit for people taking cups of coffee in to sit and chat. Plenty of outlets near the kitchenette permit our Sunday Coffee Fellowship team to prepare coffee upstairs instead of downstairs in the kitchen. 

  • Many walls of the room will be floor to ceiling bookcases filled with many of the volumes presently in the library. This will be a nod to the history and heritage of the space, while also serving a functional and aesthetic purpose. 

  • The current Archives area of the Library will be given a significant overhaul, and floor-to-ceiling storage units will allow us to organize and manage our significant collection of historical artifacts from the church's past.

  • Weekly, small meetings and Bible study groups will be able to gather in comfortable seating or at tables to learn and grow together. On Wednesday night, Faith Formation groups can gather. During Friday Artwalks, it could be a coffee or refreshment stop for those visiting the church. 

  • One focused and missional use of the new space will be to provide our Narcotics Anonymous groups with a well-lit, comfortable, and dignified space to conduct their weekly meetings. Rather than continue to meet in the depressingly unkempt room of our lower level, they will be invited to utilize this room, offering them natural light and a more hopeful location. 

The vision of this space is to be an inviting, welcoming, conversational space that serves a wide range of ages and ministry needs. It ceases to be an eyesore and instead becomes an engaging, mission-driven space.